Hello! Long time no speak, i know. I managed to get myself caught up in the real world, of working, illness and anything else that could have been a massive weight added onto my shoulders.
But that's over! I'm back and i'm ready to sit at my computer for hours and chat on about beauty.
I was very kindly brought the MAC Warm Neutrals Palette for Christmas from my boyfriend. I can't believe he went into Debenhams all by himself and asked the woman for "the palette by MAC that's full of gold-ish colours" just for me!
This palette contains 15 full sized MAC shadows, and as you have probably guessed by the palette name, all the colours are warm toned and neutral! Warm neutrals contains a mixture of: (F) Frost (L) Lustre (M) Matte (S) Satin (V) Velvet and (VXP) Veluxe Pearl.
MAC Individual shadow refills usually cost £10.00 each, but if you buy this palette for £65 (yes £65! that is definitely expensive!) each shadow works out to be close to £4.30. Which is a pretty good deal if you can see past the fact that the whole palette is worth alot.
Top to Bottom: (Hey, Warm Breeze, Gingersnap) |
Hey is a very peachy shimmery neutral colour. When wearing this on my eyelids i have trouble getting the colour to pay off however it is lovely to use as a light transition shade.
Warm Breeze is a true peach. This is also a little difficult to get the pigmentation to appear because of my very light skin tone.
Gingersnap is stunning. One of my favourites from the palette. It adds a nice pinky/reddy shimmery look to the eyes without making you look like you have got hayfever as some reds/pinks do!
(Brew, Dance in the Dark)
Brew is a really pretty red toned brown shade with a bit of pink shimmer in. It looks gorgeous on especially paired with Gingersnap.
Dance in the dark is a true dark matte brown, keeping those red/pink undertones still.
(Brule, Vanilla Extract, Honey Lust)
Brule is more of a whitey peach colour. It is very pale and again this doesn't show up so well on my skin tone however this is also good for a transition shade.
Vanilla extract is a very pretty light champagne orange. It is very subtle yet gives off a gorgeous healthy glow to the eyes.
Honey lust is stunning. It is staying with the orange tones of the second row but isn't pure orange. This is similar to vanilla extract only slightly darker.
(Amber lights, Saddle)
Amber lights is my ultimate favourite in this palette! The pigmentation is unreal and it is so shimmery and buttery.
Saddle is a matte orange with brown undertones. This colour is gorgeous with a really warm toned eye look.

Right to left now as Blogger is being annoying and not letting me switch the photo! (Lemon tart, Creative Copper, Butterfudge)
Lemon tart is gorgeous. It is a proper lemon coloured shade with gorgeous shimmer running through it.
Creative copper is also just as gorgeous! This is more of a true gold than a yellow.
Butterfudge is a mixture of golds and browns. This is a stunning sandy colour.
(Divine Decadence, Unwind)
Divine decadence is a really beautiful frosted brown with gold flecks.
Unwind is more of a dirty gold shade however the word 'dirty' in this sense is amazing. The colour is gorgeous and muted yet still really effective and unusual.
Pros of the Palette:
- Each shade works out to be around £6 cheaper than if you were to buy them individually
- So many different looks can be created as there is good colour variation
- Good quality, buttery, long wearing shades
- Mixtures of all the different eyeshadow textures
- Great for travelling
Cons of the Palette:
- The total price is very expensive
- The first two colours on the first and second rows have little pigmentation (perhaps just on my skintone?)
- The packaging is tricky and hurts if you trap your finger in it! (don't do it. I have
three times)
Overall i personally love this palette and will continue to use it until i hit pan on every shade (ambitious!). I feel slightly disappointed at the colour pay off of a couple of shadows but this does not stop me loving all of the others!